...as in "my tail is draggin' today, that is. Why? Aaahhhh, welllllll, ya know...heh, heh...I was up partyin' all night long - with my sick baby girl! Well, before you get the idea that I was being all sweet and noble, (gently rocking her while singing lullabyes, feeding her with a bottle and stroking her hair), the fact is, she woke up at 2:15am and I promptly changed her and brought her to Candy. Now, in my defense, I would be more than happy to help, and Candy will hopefully attest that I have attempted to do so on a few occassions. However, in my truly galant endeavors to be the midnight caregiver, I have been most emphatically rejected by our dearest daughter, Ella, for that role as I do not possess that which most breast-fed babies are wanting at 2:15am. She refuses to believe that her dainty little mouth should be forced to suckle from something that is clearly not attached to her mom's body. Her disdain for said bottle has grown to the point that she will scream, past the point of

her face turning a lovely shade of burgundy, until her body becomes so tense she begins to resemble a football more than a soft little baby girl, her voice achieving a sonic resonance that would put the THX trailer to shame, and little blood vessels in her face actually burst from the sheer intensity of it all, which causes slight, but noticeable bruises. Nay, I say, to Candy she will go. Besides, the reality is, when she's sick, all she wants to do is nurse.
Hence, last night, I dropped her off at Candy's bosom and proceeded to my couchly domain where I normally
sleep the remainder of the evening after relinquishing my side of the bed to my princess Ella. Unfortunately, on this night, 40 winks, denied, would I be - to put it in the vernacular of your favorite green Jedi. T

ruly, but a wink and a half did I enjoy, as dear Ella did not nurse quietly. Nay, again. Given that I am normally a light sleeper, easily startled awake by the faintest of noises, the odd grunting noises emanating from the bedroom - at times sounding like a wild boar fighting a wombat while being chased by a water buffalo - these very noises being produced by my little girl, kept me and my sweet lovely wife from achieving reasonable rest last night. To top it off, Candy was feeling terrible due to allergies and possible illness as well, and, though she is a trooper, it is definately taking its toll, and it drives me nuts that there isn't much I can do to help her out with the baby at night.
Okay, on to today's Daily Crazy Eighties Trivia game!!!!
For the High 5: What 80's song topped out at number 2 on the charts and featured many unusually sweet descriptions of a female romantic interest, including television lover, easy operator, and demolition woman?
For the Ultimate 5: How many consecutive days did this song's video remain the number 1 requested video on Dial MTV?
For the Supreme Pat-on-the-Back: What was the band's original name?

Ella says Good luck!
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