Monday, May 4, 2009

A Rising Star

Saturday was one of those ho-hum, blah kind of days. Fortunately, Candy mentioned that a friend of hers was singing at a USO - style, "salute to the troops" variety show that evening in the small town of Holton about 30 minutes north of us. Well, she had just recently talked up the vocal amazingness of this gal to the point that I really wanted to hear her for myself. Now, my lovely wife, despite having made the suggestion and saying that she really wanted to go, insisted that it would be too much work to get herself and all the kids ready, fix and eat dinner, and get on the road in less than 2 hours. Bear in mind that, with 3 kids, plus another on alternating weekends, spontaneity, particularly in regards to travel, is a feat more impressive than an expedition to the top of Everest. So, rarely does an opportunity for said spontaneity present itself that is actually doable and potentially enjoyable. That being said, I decided to fight off my natural complacency, assume the role of spontaneous hero, and convince my sexier half that this was a worthwhile endeavor. There are times when I think she just wants a little convincing, because it didn't take a lot.

So, we loaded up the van and headed to the Holton High School auditorium. I have to say that that we had a great time and the kids were actually good! This was the first of what is to be an annual production and, while there were a few technical difficulties, the performers all did a great job providing a fun, entertaining, and patriotic salute to our revered military service persons.

The acts ranged from dance routines, musical numbers and hilarious songs about Starbucks romances performed by the local high school students, to hand-clappin', banjo pickin' folk songs, groovin' blues music and powerful gospel hymns performed by others from the surrounding Kansas communities. At the end of the production, the service members in attendance were recognized as everybody sang, (with the aid of printed lyrics) the theme song for each branch of the military.

For all of the fun we had, I give my heart felt kudos to all of the performers, but there is one who I am compelled to introduce to you, as she has a talent that exceeds the average person.

Her name is Julianne Richardson, and her powerful voice has the astonishing capability of filling an auditorium with sweet, melodious sounds without too much help from the microphone. Check out this video of Julianne singing Amazing Grace, and please don't judge her by the sound quality, my camera has reprehensible sound recording apologies.

Remember her name, Julianne Richardson, and go see her whenever she is singing near you! It may not be long before she hits the national scene.